What if you could control your blood sugar without avoiding carbs, sugar, or fruit?
In this online course in diabetes, you’ll learn how to take control of your blood sugar in a realistic way. Finally figure out why those morning blood sugars have been running high even if it was lower the night before.

Does this sound familiar?
You leave the doctor’s office the moment you’re diagnosed, feeling lost, confused, scared…a lot of emotions. Then you’re told to take metformin and “avoid all sugar” and/or “any white foods”.
But here’s the thing, avoiding all sugar and white foods is not sound advice nor is it sustainable long-term. You might have been hoping to avoid taking metformin in the first place and managing diabetes with diet and exercise instead (it can be a reality!).
It can take hard work and discipline to get to the point where you can manage type 2 diabetes via lifestyle changes. I’m not going to say it’s a walk in the park. But what if you had all of the resources and tools you need at your fingertips to get you started on that path and make it easier?
You might have made some changes already
Ever since you were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, it’s really set a fire under you to get those blood sugars in a better range. But you can’t seem to get your numbers down even though you’ve cut out almost all carbohydrates.
In fact, you feel you’re missing out on:
- enjoying that juicy summer fruit from the farmer’s market
- having a slice of pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving
- or just truly miss having a sandwich for lunch
Is this really what you need to do long-term to keep those blood sugar in check? No. In fact, it’s all about balance because we need to live to eat, not eat to live! So yes, you can have your cake and eat it too (in moderation).

The dietitian behind the course in diabetes
Allow me to quickly introduce myself. I’m Carrie, a registered dietitian who has helped hundreds of people over the years with type 2 diabetes control their blood sugar and lower their A1c with the goal of reducing the need for medication. I’m also founder of the MEDication Freedom Method program which dives further into improving heart health along with blood sugar.
Among all of the people I’ve helped, I noticed a gap between people coming to me and that initial doctor‘s appointment…a lack of introduction to diabetes and detailed next steps needed to manage it long-term.
That’s why I created The Blood Sugar Navigator
This course will give you the foundations of managing type 2 diabetes so you can find the confidence to control your blood sugar for good. The goal is to put you on a path to lowering your A1c while also reducing the need for medication as much as possible.
What are participants saying about the course?
“Just finished week 1 of the course. Excellent content! And I love the way you demoed using the meter—very easy to follow.”
“I wish I had this course when I was first diagnosed with type 2 diabetes! My doctor didn’t give me ANY advice.”
What’s covered in this 4-week course?
– How to obtain your meter.
– Choose the right blood sugar meter for you.
– Find the best method for tracking.
– Tips to make the process easier.
– Gather more data through food logging.
– Determine your target blood sugar goals.
– When and how to use ketone strips.
– Learn the common causes of blood sugar changes.
Taking Action
– How to meal plan for your blood sugar.
– Finding balance among snacks and why they are important.
– Tips for navigating holidays and vacations.
Once you’ve completed the course in diabetes, you’ll walk away feeling:
- Knowledgable in tracking your blood sugar so you won’t be surprised at your next A1c check (and you’ll have a much better conversation with your doctor)
- Confident that what you’re doing will help reduce the risk for complications later on (and know you will be around for your children/grandchildren)
- Clear on what works best for you specifically (because everyone with diabetes is different in how they respond to different foods)
Not just for the newbies
This course isn’t just for those who are newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I’ve had several patients who have had uncontrolled blood sugar for YEARS before they came to me because they never had any formal education on how to manage it! So if that sounds familiar, then this course is exactly for you too!
Let’s talk pricing
One time charge of $179
That’s it! No ongoing membership fees and you gain lifelong access to the course.
If you’ve gotten this far, it sounds like you’re ready to get your blood sugar under control. Click the button below to get started today!