Updated 08/11/2023

Likely you have been in the same situation as many other Americans while shopping at the grocery store. You’re staring at the many different types of apples and ask yourself, “Do I get organic apples? Or do I go with the non-organic apples?”. If this sounds like you, keep reading!
Organic products have gained popularity over the last several years. But is it all hype? Are they really that much better for you? According to the Organic Trade Association (OTA), food sales in the U.S. in 2022 broke a record of $60 billion in revenue. The demand for organic foods continues to grow, but is it worth the extra cost?
This blog post will dive into what is considered organic, the nutritional impact on organic vs conventional foods (a.k.a. non-organic), and much more. My hope is that this blog post will help you make a more informed decision when it comes to buying food for you and your family.
Table of Contents
What does it mean for food products to be considered organic?
According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), organic produce must be grown in soil that has not contained any prohibited substances in the last 3 years such as synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. For meats, animals must be “raised in living conditions accommodating their natural behaviors (like the ability to graze on pasture)”, given organic feed, and not be administered antibiotics or hormones. Any processed or multi-ingredient food products must be free from artificial preservatives, colors, or flavors with the exception of non-agricultural ingredients such as enzymes in yogurt, pectin in fruit jams, or baking soda in baked goods.
There are several reasons why people believe buying organic is better for your health than their conventional counterparts: they contain more nutrients, less toxins introduced into the body, and farming practices are better for the environment. But is this truly the case? The thing is, there is still a lot of conflicting research in regards to which is healthier. Let’s explore some of these common questions with what we do know about organic vs conventional foods.
Nutritional Quality
Some studies argue organic produce provide more antioxidants and that organic meats/dairy provide additional omega-3 fatty acids. However, other studies also mention the increased amount of antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids do not provide enough health benefit to make it worth purchasing organic foods for this reason alone.
A systematic review of 55 studies showed conventionally grown produce were higher in nitrogen and organically grown produce were higher in phosphorus. Although studies on organic vs conventional livestock were limited, no significant difference was seen in nutritional quality.
Overall, more research is needed to determine whether or not organic foods are considered more nutritious than conventional foods and if they even provide the necessary health benefits.
Concern for toxins
While it is true organic farms cannot use pesticides on their produce, the USDA states “there can be inadvertent indirect contact from neighboring conventional farms or shared handling facilities.” The USDA’s Pesticide Data Program (PDP) regulate levels of pesticides far below the amount that would cause health risks. This data is compared to the tolerance limit set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). For more information on the use of pesticides and how the EPA has taken steps to monitor and regulate their use on crops, visit their website.
In a very well known systematic review regarding the effects conventional foods may have on humans compared to organic foods, no significant clinical outcomes were found between either groups by food type for allergic reactions. Two other studies in this review showed lower pesticide levels in children’s urine of organic food consumers compared to those who ate conventional foods. However, the risk for clinical outcomes due to elevated pesticide presence in urine and any other bodily fluid from adults (breast milk, semen) was small and did not pose a threat to human health as they were still well below the tolerance limit set by the EPA.
For those who are still concerned about pesticide residue on their produce, check out the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) dirty dozen list which consists of the top 12 foods which have the highest pesticide presence. It’s important to note these foods on the dirty dozen list are still well below the tolerance limits set by the EPA. However, whether it be organic or conventional produce, it should always be washed before peeling and consuming for food safety reasons. On the opposite side, EWG has a clean fifteen list which consists of 15 foods that have the least amount of pesticide residue. These lists change each year.
Better for the environment
Pesticide use, whether water or airborne may have some detrimental effects on the environment such as depleting the ozone, accidentally contaminating drinking water, or having water run-off with high levels reaching non-targeted plants and animals. However, there is no conclusive evidence at this time whether or not organic farming methods are much better than conventional farming.
When it comes to buying organic versus conventional products, one of the biggest barriers for some individuals is the cost. Due to the more extensive practices and regulations farmers have to follow to grow their products appropriately, organic foods tend to me much more expensive. As an alternative, if you are interested in having organic food products but can’t pay the hefty price tag, try growing your own garden. Not only is it cheaper, but it’s also a rewarding experience.
The bottom line
Still not sure how you feel about organic versus conventional produce? Here’s the thing. One option is not worse over the other. Your primary goal is to eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily whether that be organic or conventional. So don’t stress too much over it!
Check out a few of these recipes to get more produce in your diet:
Earl Grey and Blueberry Overnight Oats
Mediterranean Chickpea Bowl
Pomegranate Quinoa Salad with Orange-Tahini Dressing
However, if you currently consume the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables daily and want to take it a step further, there is nothing wrong with going organic. Overall, whichever you choose, is up to you and your lifestyle.