Updated: 12/11/2021
Table of Contents
Do you remember how life felt without having to take Metformin, Lisinopril, and Atorvastatin? Is it possible to get back to that life?
Every morning many adults just like you wake up to take their medication to control their blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol. And many of those people find taking multiple medications is a disruption to their daily routine. They forget to take their Lisinopril or they find themselves running to the bathroom frequently because of the Metformin. I see this all too often working with my patients. It’s very clear taking medication is not ideal for their lifestyle. Sound familiar?
What is Metabolic Syndrome?
Metabolic syndrome is a combination of conditions that includes heart issues, out of control blood sugar, and excess weight primarily in the abdominal area. According to the American Heart Association, it is estimated that 1 in 6 American adults have it. However many do not know they have it or are never diagnosed. To be diagnosed with metabolic syndrome by your doctor, you must have 3 of the following:
- Large waist circumference: > 35″ for women, > 40″ for men
- High fasting blood sugar (whether it be pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes)
- Increased blood pressure: 130/85 or higher
- High triglycerides: > 150
- Low HDL (good cholesterol): < 40 for men, < 50 for women
What can I do about it?
In addition to being put on medication, my patients are often told by their doctor to “lose weight” or, my personal favorite, “avoid white foods”. What does that even mean?! Not only is it unrealistic and vague advice, but they are not told how to do it. This leads to them searching on Google to find out what their next steps are. As a result, many of my patients have tried Keto and spent thousands of dollars on prepared meals and shakes only to find that this doesn’t work for them long-term.

Guess what? Medication is not the only treatment for metabolic syndrome. It can be done through nutrition and exercise. And for most people, medication can be a thing of the past. That’s why I created my 5-month structured program, The MEDication Freedom Method. This program is designed to give you the tools you need to lose weight, manage blood sugar, improve heart health, and reduce your need for medication for good.
Get a jumpstart on the program by checking out part 2 to learn what you can start doing right now towards your goal of living a life free of medication.