This is my first official blog post! Yay! I want to take a moment to introduce myself and provide a preview of posts you will see in the near future.
My name is Carrie Weitzel. I am a Registered Dietitian located in the Denver, Colorado area with a passion for helping people eat better so they can feel better. I believe food is medicine. Some of my interests in the nutrition field are mental illness and diabetes which I have had experience with throughout my career. Coming soon, I will be providing nutrition counseling services to the central Colorado area. To be notified when this service starts, subscribe to my email list below.
I would also like to briefly explain the importance of seeking a registered dietitian for nutrition advice vs a nutritionist. A Registered Dietitian/Registered Dietitian Nutritionist is a nutrition expert who has gone through at least a bachelor’s degree in nutrition or related field and has completed a supervised dietetic internship where they then qualify to sit for the rigorous exam to receive their RD/RDN credential. Anyone can call themselves a nutritionist leading to misinformation and confusion among clients which can even cause harm in some cases. Some states protect the term ‘dietitian’ by providing the credentials ‘CD’ for certified dietitian or ‘LD’ for licensed dietitian. This prevents anyone from calling themselves a dietitian in that state. Unfortunately, Colorado does not have this protection making it even easier for information to be misused. For more information on what to expect when seeing an RD/RDN read this article.
In the near future I will be posting once per week on various nutrition topics ranging from food/drug interactions to a review of some of the most popular diets out there. I may even post a few of my favorite recipes! Stay tuned!